From the time I was born, I was raised in church. I grew to love it as I began to know God for myself. Later in life I became very involved in church. I was a choir director; a praise & worship leader; a Sunday school and Bible study teacher; the president of the youth department and an armor bearer. At the age of 28 I accepted the call to preach the Word of God.
I thought I had everything together, but as time went on, there was a struggle within that I could not ignore. I was in an intense fight with my sexual orientation. I was raised in a very traditional religion that condemned every homosexual to hell. I was taught that homosexually was an abomination to God. Thus the struggle.
I loved God with all my heart, but could not escape reality. For years I still struggled with my sexuality. I finally studied the scriptures for myself and got a clear understanding of what they were saying, instead of the dogma that I was taught. It wasn’t hard for me to accept homosexuality for others, but was it right for me? I had left the church and became dormant.
Was this okay with God? I couldn’t understand how it could be. Then God spoke to my heart and allowed me to see that I still had a place in His Kingdom and I still had a work to do. Not long after that, God instructed me to start a different ministry. A ministry that is totally unbiased and open for all those who believe in God for their salvation.
Regardless of the backlash from other religious beliefs, I gladly take this path in life. I am confident that God loves all His children, not just the heterosexual ones. So come meet a wonderful group of people who love God with all our hearts. Regardless of your race, nationality, or sexual orientation, you are welcome!
Pastor Mary Harris